Court of the Rose


By its nature, the Court of the Rose is a case of extremes. It has members who adhere strongly to a rich and elaborate court life, yet it has just as many members who jealously retain their independence. It is split between those who wish to teach the citizens through trickery and deception (even if it kills them), and those who would protect the citizens against the darker elements of the world. To a citizen there might seem neither rhyme nor reason to it, but a member of the Rose Court may change between any of these extremes from day to day. The one constant about the Court of the Rose is that they have become very wary of the citizens they once protected and have made more enemies than friends among the other courts in recent centuries.



The traditional Celtic lands are the home to the Court of the Rose, stretching from Ireland in the west through to the Swiss Alps in the east, Spain in the south to Denmark in the north, all of western Europe is in their domain, but continued infighting and incursions from other courts have meant that the realm has rarely been under their control. More than any other court though, the members of the Rose have had the most success at expanding their power to foreign lands. European explorers have visited all other continents, sharing their culture and their languages; this has meant that every part of the world has had contact with the Court of the Rose whether for better or for worse.


From tall, slender elves to stocky, earthy boggarts, how do you describe a people who often define themselves by their individuality and “otherness”? The members of the Court of the Rose come in all shapes and sizes, but they have learnt over the centuries to hide their avatar forms carefully lest they be targeted by hunters and members of other courts whom their kind have crossed. The spread of the Rose across the globe has meant that anyone could be a member of their Court, whether Caucasian, American Indian, Negro, or any other ethnicity. Perhaps the only common identifier among them is a notion for tying their spirituality to a child-like innocence, the members of the Court of the Rose are often found with some kind of toys or symbols of childhood. Beware those who take this innocence too literally though because often these items are foci of immense spiritual power.

Court Culture

The Court of the Rose maintains a dualistic view of the world that runs in alternate cycles of growth and decay. Each member of the Court of the Rose bares aspects of both these concepts in their souls, but most choose one to dominate. Those who focus on the power of growth find themselves aligned to the Order of the White Rose, a faction that reigns from the Winter Solstice through to summer in fantastic castles in the spiritual kingdoms of light that shares borders with the reality of citizens and the celestial realms of the spirits of light. Those who focus on the power of decay find themselves aligned to the Order of the Red Rose, reigning from the Summer solstice through to winter in shadowy fortresses that cross the border between the reality of the mundane and the underworld of ghosts and spirits of darkness. It is known for members of the court to switch between these factions but it is frowned upon. It is common belief for the Court of the Rose that these spiritual “otherworlds” are always trying to encroach on the reality of the citizens and it is their job to prevent any spiritual impacts for the worse, while keeping a flow of mystical energy constantly pumping through the veins of reality.

Court Operations

Some consider the notion of organization within the Court of the Rose to be an oxymoron, these would be the people who are unable to see the patterns of order in chaos. The Court of the Rose has the two most well known factions of any group among the Outsiders, the Orders of the White and the Red Rose. The conflict between these two orders has marked the history of the court since their foundation, and will continue to drive the court until the end of time. Many are the legends that describe the origins of the Court, but quite a few of them depict the struggle between two orders of spiritual warriors. These orders both laid claim to a number of mystic sites across Western Europe and their wars led to great misfortune across the land. Each of the Orders were very similar, being led by noble knights with powers approaching gods, manned by supernatural soldiers with a myriad of shapes of powers, supported by merchants, artisans, miners and farmers. The feudal system in place closely reflected order the citizens had established over the same period. While they fought endlessly in noble struggles (honourable to the ancient laws they had set down in ages past), the two Orders found new enemies in their lands who fought did not fight by the etiquette they had established, and whose techniques were both savage and foreign. The two orders merged, and thus was born the Court of the Rose.

Common Court Powers

Among the younger members of the Court of the Rose, the different views of the two orders are most noticeable. The members of the Order of the White Rose tend toward subtle powers that build, repair and nurture the world around them. The members of the Order of the Red Rose tend toward more blatant powers that are more likely to be destructive and detrimental to those around them. As the members grow in age they tend to mellow and become more interested in the powers that can be used to wield influence among the younger members of the court, the White Rose uses powers that inspire teamwork and morale, while the Red Rose uses powers that bring strength and inspire fear. The eldest members of the Court of the Rose, whether White or Red, become more strategic in their outlook and develop more similar powers that focus on co-ordinating their orders to prevent the entire court devolving into absolute anarchy.

Common Court Havens

There seems to be no pattern to the havens of the Court of the Rose, some members may live in traditional manor houses, while others may live as homeless vagrants under bridges or in the hollows of hills. Status within the court has no reflection on a court member’s mundane lodgings; neither does spiritual power. The only constant is that every haven exists in a realm that overlaps the reality of the citizens with the realms of the spirits. It is in the realm of spirits that the lodging starts to reflect its owner. Members of the White Rose have lodgings that cross over into the light spirit realms and heavens; the elements of their owners showing with purity. Members of the Red Rose have lodgings that cross over to the dark spirit realms and underworld, with elemental flavours twisted to their darker appearances (havens of water might be surrounded by murky moats, while havens of air might appear as foreboding towers surrounded by ominous fog).

Court Agenda

Intercourt Relations

Blood Court

Chrysanthemum Court

Gold Court

Ivory Court

Jade Court

Ochre Court

Peyote Court

Rose Court

Sand Court

Sapphire Court

Wave Court

Lesser Courts

The Court of Marble
The Court of the Sea
The Court of Ice
The Court of Runes
The Court of Grass
The Court of Greenstone

Significant Court Members

Significant Court Rogues

Divine () –
Demigods () –
Supernaturals () –
Half-Bloods () –

Court Elements: Air, Earth (and either light or dark depending on the order)
Air –
Darkness –
Earth –
Fire –
Light –
Metal –
Water –
Wood –

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